One Thousand Gifts 81-100

Multiple Blessings, One at a time...
81. working out at the gym and feeling my muscles work hard
82. the $ to have a gym membership
83. a healthy dinner w/ smiling children
84. hubby making dinner this week to relieve me for a night
85. my bible time each day
86. digging into the Word each and everyday this month
87. aching muscles knowing there getting stronger
88. having hubby home for three days this weekend
89. TOS Crew reading review that I hope will help my youngest read better
90. being able to get up earlier each day before the alarm & have energy to do so
91. PaperbackSwap- being able to give my books to others
92. making birthday cards to give to friends & family
93. watching my boys understand multiplication
94. Zumba Classes @ the gym
95. Step class @ the gym
96. weight lifting class @ the gym
97. seeing hubby cuddle with DS9 while he was sick this week
98. my kids watching old TV shows and loving it
99. clothes given from my friend in the mail today
100. youth group starting back up this week & the kids excited about going


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