One Thousand Blessings 260-308

Multiple Blessings, One Blessing @ a Time

260. making lasagna, apple pie & rosemary biscuits
261. knowing my Suburban will be fixed and not totaled
262. having something on the roof of your car, having it fall off, and then having someone find it, give it to a police officer and then have him return it.
263. nail polish on my toes
264. a shower after a hot 100 degree bike ride
265. thunderstorm cooling off a hot summer day
266. watching God's fireworks above the city
267. getting a rental car for our family while the 'burb' gets fixed
268. visiting family in Idaho
269. Homeschool Book Store in Spokane
270. Costco membership
271. watching kids play at the Bounce House
272. ability to cook good food for my family
273. Donut House
274. getting the right price for our totaled Suburban
275. road trip to Salt Lake City, Utah
276. finding our new Mountaineer in Butte, MT
277. being able to return our rental car in Butte to save money on gas
278. getting our Suburban back from the autobody shop
279. watching DS12 and hubby work together on putting the 'burb' back together
280. Downpour Festival
281. my hubby and his ability to fix almost everything
282. our 'burb' back together again
283. family coming to see Downpour Festival for the first time
284. Listening to the David Crowder Band
285. new hose for my front yard
286. my daughter safe with her father for the school year
287. being content that my daughter is staying with her father this year
288. having three vehicles
289. a cool house on a hot day

290. Bible in 90 Days
291. selling curriculum to make room for new stuff
292. Women of Faith tickets
293. school starting back without any issues
294. watching DS12 get excited all week with his school waking early to get started
295. Heart of Dakota Curriculum
296. Apologia Science
297. Notgrass Curriculum
298. Reading with my son each day for school while he cuddles with me
299. hearing DS9 read clearly
300. having a clean house
301. painting a yellow room for DS12 and seeing how excited he is to have it done for him
302. painting daughters room light pink
303. painting DS9's room light blue- his favorite color
304. seeing my boys do their chores without having to ask
305. watching my garden grow
306. seeing my very first tomato growing on the vine
307. harvesting my lettuce and carrots
308. working on my Christmas cards


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