One Thousand Gifts- 309-325

Multiple Blessings, One Blessing @ a Time

309. zuchini bread from my garden
310. cucumber salad from my garden
311. sunflowers in my garden that are taller than me
312. boys excited about watching a movie on Gettysburg on the history channel
313. DS9 in 4th grade
314. DS12 in 7th grade
315. DD16 in 11th grade
316. repairing cracks in the ceiling
317. corn almost ready to harvest
318. painting the exterior of the house
319. being able to preserve the new deck by putting a tough coat on the top
320. having my hubby back home from Texas
321. two days off that doesn't include paint
322. ordering the radiator fan for my 'burb' so we can drive it soon
323. having the $$ to buy broken door latch on Mountaineer
324. finishing up 100 Christmas Cards
325. feeling sore from the gym tells me I am helping my body grow stronger


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