W is for Washing Machine Detergent

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 W is for Washing Machine Detergent

Have you ever thought about making your own washing machine detergent? I have an easy recipe that takes a short amount of time to prepare and will get your clothes clean, smelling nice and keep the colors vibrant and the whites white. I've been making my own and using it on our clothes for several years now and have no desire to return to store bought, chemical infested detergents. 

I first used the liquid version of this recipe below but found I love the powder better. Not only is it quicker to make but I use only a Tablespoon per load and lasts a LONG time.

Detergent Recipe

 4 Bars of Fels Naptha Soap
4 Cups Washing Soda
4 Cups Borax


  1. Shred the bars of Fels Naptha Soap then place into a food processor to grind into powder.
  2. Mix all  ingredients together and mix well
  3. Store in any container of your choosing.

I have mine in a pretty glass jar with metal lid on top of my washing machine.

Use 1 TBS per load. Really dirty loads use 2 TBS.

A really great tip: Add 1/2 cup to a full cup of white vinegar to your fabric softener dispenser just as you turn on your washing machine to eliminate any odors that are in your clothing. Such as mildew, sweat etc..


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