October Unprocessed.. Will You Take the Challenge?

October Unprocessed

September is the perfect time to start thinking about working towards having your family an Unprocessed Family. For years we've been working on taking unprocessed food out of our diet and eating all wholesome, non hormone, natural foods..

I challenge you to take the Unprocessed Challenge that goes on in the month of October at Eating Rules. I've participated in this for the past two years and plan to participate again this year. Looking to implement new areas to work on for our family so that we continue to work towards being an unprocessed family...

Check it out and see if you are interested in joining in... Starts October 1st so this month is perfect to prep your kitchen and family.

Once you sign up, the owner of Eating Rules will email you articles on how to prepare your kitchen for the unprocessed challenge from determining what is and is not considered processed and what to get rid of and what to use during the month..

Let's take the challenge together.. Take the PLEDGE HERE

I hope to post some yummy unprocessed recipes throughout the month and I'm looking to finish what I started at the beginning of 2015 with my 14 Weeks to An Unprocessed Kitchen meme...

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You can check out the posts I've already written below at the following links to hopefully help you in your journey to an unprocessed kitchen/life...

You can find Week 1's post HERE
You can find Week 2's post HERE
You can find Week 3's post HERE
You can find Week 4's post HERE 
You can find Week 5's post HERE

Week's 6-14 Coming Soon...


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