Every Girl Gets Confused by Janice Thompson

Every Girl Gets Confused
Brides With Style Series Book #2
by Janice Thompson

About This Book:

Its basketball playoff season as Katie and Brady try to mediate the rivalry between their obsessed basketball families.  The gossip at the bridal shop where Katie works is encroaching on their happy ending.  Katie’s parents are trying to talk her into coming back home to Fairfield to renew her relationship with her old boyfriend Carson.  Will her family stop meddling?  Will their families ever stop disagreeing enough to help their marriage take off?  Will she ever wear the wedding dress she has dreamed of? 

My Thoughts on This Book:

I have had the opportunity to read both the first and second book in this series. I've loved reading Janice Thompson's books before this series so was looking forward to diving into this one. I have to be honest though, I struggled with this series.. I had a tough time relating to the characters and wanting to read more about them. This could very well be my personal preference on the style of writing and character background that I am looking to read and not necessarily this book.

This is a continuation of the first book with the same characters. Reading the first book in the series isn't really necessary but I'd recommend it so you can understand the characters a bit more. Otherwise you may get a bit lost in the background story that isn't addressed again in this book.

Characters Katie and Brady finally start dealing with real relationship problems and you see them struggle to make things work including her ex boyfriend returning to her life. The spunky characters actually weren't the main focus but the grandmother.. The plot was interesting and a bit entertaining but felt some of the chapters a bit over the top.

The focus of the novel is definitely the romance, but unfortunately this romance is not always with the two main characters; in fact, they disappointingly get less page time than some of the other minor characters. I honestly felt their development to be somewhat stalling, maybe get the rest of their story from the next book in the series. I'm always up for a great romance but this series seems to drag on a bit for my taste and would like to see more after reading two books in the series.

About The Author:

Janice Thompson is a seasoned romance author and screenwriter. An expert at pulling the humor from the situations we get ourselves into, Thompson offers an inside look at the wedding business, drawing on her own experiences as a wedding planner. She is the author of the hugely popular Weddings by Bella series, the Backstage Pass series, and the Weddings by Design series, as well as Every Bride Needs a Groom. She lives in Texas. Learn more at www.janiceathompson.com.


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