End of Year Virtual Race Recap

Since I didn't quit my job until November it was hard this year to get out and run.
My job had me working 45 hours a week for most of the year and once August hit I was working 60+ hours a week. I am happy though of what I did accomplish. This post is in regards to my virtual races I participated in since January 1st.

A quick recap:

In January I had surgery to remove one of my fallopian tubes which set me back for the entire month of January and a little in February so all my New Year's and Christmas medals intended for the holidays of 2017, and beginning of 2018 ended up being done in February.

In July, my father passed away from Parkinson's Disease and running was all that kept me grounded for a good solid month. That month though was just focused on getting out and pounding the pavement instead of earning anything. The best therapy to clear your head and not think!

I had grand plans to cover a LOT more than I did. I accomplished 17 races this year. This doesn't take into count the running days I did for fun or for personal running goals.

These are the 17 I earned. They are all such beautiful medals. They were all won by either doing a 5K or a 4 mile run. None were achieved walking except one that was designed as a walking challenge.

I can't say I have a favorite. They all have effort and sweat written all over them.

My goal for 2019 as far as virtual races is a minimum of once a week but I hope to do at least 2 a week. More if my pocket book can cover it.. wink wink... I already have a good chunk of medals awaiting their earned effort starting January 1st.

I purchase my medals from several virtual races. If you are just getting started or don't know anything about virtual running, I would suggest googling it. Here is a few that I purchase from to get you started.

Virtual Pace Series

Moon Joggers

Virtual Strides
US Road Running
Bible Race Series
Flex it Pink
Virtual Run Events
Gone for a Run
Pow! Virtual Running


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