5 Steps to Creating Real Goals


"I want to lose weight!"... "I need to get serious about a, b or c.." Creating real goals and attaining them can be difficult. We need to able to create real goals, a plan that is attainable.

Most people do not even bother setting goals. Few, often set unrealistic, unachievable goals. 

People with goals are 10 x more likely to succeed than those who don't set goals. That should get us excited, right?!

5 Steps to Creating Real Goals

1. Start With Your Why: When you surface the meaning behind your goal by giving it a voice, your simple goal shifts into a mission. Think about your reason why you care about your goal(s). When we write down our goals and the why behind these goals, we can maintain and achieve them. 

2. Give Each Goal an Action or Task: Further breaking down your goals into tasks or action steps help you by achieving smaller mini goals along the way, tend to help motivate you to stick with the ultimate goal long term.

3. Create Your Vision: Capture an understanding of what accomplishing the goal would feel like. When you have an awareness of the end result, this is the most motivating factor when reaching a goal. Once you understand, then write it down in a journal, paint it, record it however you fill will help you. This will allow you to come back to it when the going gets tough.

4. Give Yourself Permission to Change Course: Often times we set goals and then refuse to bend it. Having rigid goals could work for some but most often leads to burnout and giving up. Allow yourself some room to shift and find balance while reaching your long term goals. If you are ultimately moving closer to your goal and you changing course will not hinder it, then I say go for it.

To keep you accountable and on the right track, plan purposeful check ins. Set a reminder on your phone or write it down in your planner or calendar. 

* Am I still going after the right goal?
* Do I remain committed to my purpose and why?
* Do I need to shift anything? 

5. Celebrate Your Wins Along the Way: Write down rewards when you hit certain mini goals along the way. It's important we recognize our efforts as we push towards a long term goal. This keeps us motivated and gives us purpose along the way. They should be activities or gifts to yourself that are motivating and help you reflect on what you're learning and who you are becoming long term.

Share what goals you are setting for the coming year.. I would love to hear about them..


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