Scripture Journaling Tutorial | Genesis 10:9 The Mighty Hunter

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Scripture Verse I am highlighting today is Genesis 10:9

"He was a mighty hunter before the Lord' that is why it is said, "Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord."

Supplies used: *Layout- Etsy- Beautiful Good News *Tim Holtz Distress Oxide Gathered Twigs *Tim Holtz Distress Oxide Spray Carved Pumpkin *Fan Brush * Palette Paper Pad *Water *Heat Gun

I found this layout on Etsy and I knew I needed to use this in my bible somehow. This particular one gave me enough graphics to do two different ones. The other layout will be coming soon.

As a hunter myself I just loved all these images. If you would like to make this layout I have added the supplies to my description in my video.. 

God Bless!


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