100 Things...

I came across this blog above from a pin on Pinterest. She mentions to get rid of 100 things in one weekend. I've had a huge desire lately to purge my house of clutter. I've actually been doing this for sometime but still seem to get more things into the house and then again have to declutter once again.
I started this already this past week by re-organzing and selling off some crafting supplies I no longer need or use before even seeing this but feel like this might be the motivation I need to shed a little more weight from the house stuff. I know it's only Monday and not the weekend but who says you have to wait until then. I'd like to take this week to see if I can find 100 things to let go of.
I'm looking forward to decluttering my life and to RENEW my house. I'll post a picture at week's end of what I've been able to gather..


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