52 Week Money Challenge

Are you looking to save some money in 2013 but don't really have a lot each week to set aside? I came across an awesome idea that would give you $1,378.00 in 52 weeks. Sound interesting? What is it you ask? It's called 52 Week Money Challenge.
Print out the sheet that tells you what you deposit each week and watch the savings begin. You can find the printout HERE
I saw this great idea while searching through Pinterest and thought, I could totally do this. At the end of the year we will have a nice little set of 'change' set aside for things we'd like to do in 2014 or projects we'd like to tackle etc.
I already got myself caught up on my money jar and will be paying myself each Friday, treating it like a 'bill' and setting it aside at the same time I pay my bills each week. If you can't print off the form for any reason, basically you will pay yourself a dollar for each week it is..
For instance:
Week 1- $1.00
Week 2- $2.00
Week 3- $3.00
Week 44- $44.00
Week 52- $52.00
So if you are on week 12, you'd add $12.00 that week to your jar. Make sense.. At the end of Week 52 you will have saved $1,378.00.. If you have more money to spare, maybe you can double it each week and end up with $2,756.00 in 52 weeks.. the possibilities....


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