One Thousand Gifts 45-65

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Three Witnessed Blessings
45. my son adapting well to high school
46. my daughter achieving above and beyond in college
47. my daughter hitting 1 year at her job
A Gift Bringing- Laughter, Prayer, Quiet
48. my children
49. the health of my family
50. as they wraps up and all is asleep
3 Gifts from God's Word
51. Grace
52. Forgiveness
53. Love
3 Gifts That Might Never Have Been
54. My daughter returning home to me to live full time
55. If I never moved to North Carolina back in the 90's then I would of never met my husband
56. Homeschooling- Never thought of it until my daughter was of school age
3 Gifts Only Seen Close Up
57. The freckles on my son's nose
58. a bumble bee on a beautiful flower
59. snowflakes
A Gift in Sky, Water, Memory
60. A bald eagle swooping down to gather food
61. a beautiful ice layer on the river surface
62. the day I married my husband 16 yrs ago
A Gift Wrinkled, Smoothed, Unfolded
63. The hand of an elder, wise above their years
64. A well worn blanket cuddled by a child
65. A love poem my husband wrote me that I have folded and tucked away in my drawer
Return next Wednesday for my next installment of One Thousand Gifts....
You can join in on the 1000 Gifts Journey by visiting A Holy Experience HERE


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