Medicine Ball Workouts January Challenge

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Since mid December I've decided to try something new in my exercise routine. I'm bored of the basic gym workouts: treadmill, elliptical, stepper..

I needed to try something fresh to help lift the plateau I've been in for many months and be able to workout at home as well as the gym.


I actually laughed out loud thinking a medicine ball could be a full blown workout. I kept saying, "I'll have to add cardio and free weights to give this a full body workout"


A 30-45 minute medicine ball workout will touch every single muscle in your body. It did me! It worked muscles that running, treadmills, stairstepper, and elliptical just don't do.

Let's KICK OFF 2015 with a January Medicine Ball Workout Challenge

I'd love to share the workouts that I've been doing and will be working on for the month of January. Please  join me this month as we work together to reach our fitness goals while using the medicine ball.

My daily workouts are between 30-45 minutes and have varied between four different websites that have several different medicine ball moves to work your core plus upper and lower body.

I'm working out with the medicine ball 4-5 days a week. Each workout uses different moves so that I don't give my body the opportunity to know what's coming next.

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I have two medicine balls that I use for my workouts. When working out my legs I choose my 8lb blue medicine ball (this one is squishy with a bean core and soft rubber outer shell) and when my workouts are focusing more on upper body I use the gray 6lb ball (this one is hard like a basketball) while I work on gaining more upper body strength.

It's great to use different weights, (like weight training with free weights) Add more weight as your body gets used to the workouts.

Here below are the different websites that I've been using to design my daily workouts from.

Follow THE ALMOST VEGAN for 8 different workouts

Medicine Ball workout
Photo Credit: About-Health

Follow ABOUT HEALTH for this great strength training workout which includes 14 different workout moves.

1. Stir The Pot
 photo credit: Travis McCoy/

Follow LIVE STRONG to choose from 10 more medicine ball moves that will get your core into shape

Photo Credit: Skinnyms.

Looking for a H.I.I.T Medicine Ball Workout.. Check out SKINNYMS. This website gives you videos on how to do each exercise...

Please join me for the month of January to use the medicine ball as your primary exercise (I'll be adding walking when I can and snow shoveling when there's snow- the joys of living in Big Sky Country Montana) and let's kick this year off with some medicine ball workouts..

Comment below to let me know you're joining!!


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