Weight Loss Update

size 6 jeans
I haven't posted in awhile about my weight loss journey. Been so focused on running my 2,017 miles that I haven't taken the time to see in the mirror my progress.

A friend gifted me a pair of new jeans not long ago. They were a size 6. I didn't think I would fit in them but when I tried them on, they did and very comfortably. You can see me in them above.

It's been a long journey to get where I am today. From everything that I've done and between the things I've tried and failed, I know one thing that has ALWAYS worked!

Exercising and monitoring my food intake.

Two simple things to pay attention to and most often are neglected. I use MyFitnessPal app on my phone. It's so easy to have there and quick to log my food as I eat throughout the day. The best part of this app is if you happen to eat something in a package there is a barcode scanner and VOILA it has all the info placed in your log for you.

I also use MapMyRun or you can use MapMyFitness or MapMyWalk since they are all the same. I log all my activity onto this and it transfers over to my food journal.

Since January 1st, logging the miles has really helped me build muscle and lean down. For the longest time the scale wasn't moving but I was getting smaller so that kept me going.  I started at 134 lbs at the New Year. I stepped on the scale this week and I'm down to 126.8 lbs.

I haven't been this small since when I met my husband 20 years ago so I'm super excited. At this point anything I lose is a huge bonus... Now it's all about toning, maintaining and building physical endurance to get me across the finish line of my half marathon in May.

Starting April 1st I will be adding more strength training to my weekly workouts so I can tone up what's left and help build muscle so I can run longer distances.. Can't wait to share with you as I progress...


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