One Thousand Gifts 171-190

Multiple Blessings, One Blessing @ a Time

171. watching my son turn 12
172. creating a lego cake from scratch
173. watching my son's expression when he sees his cake
174. having the $ to buy an alternator when it goes out on the Suburban
175. catching up on grading papers
176. running my first 2 mile marathon in 28.08 minutes
177. healing tendons
178. feeling my muscles getting stronger and smaller
179. watching my boys spar in a Martial Arts competition
180. signing up for IceBreaker
181. being able to help out w/ the Spring Fling dance
182. watching my son's face when I got the whole Series of Unfortunate Events books for him when he thought he wasn't going to get them
183. being a member of HSLDA
184. knowing they are there when you need them
185. lemon water- helps with detoxing
186. fishing license so I can fish with my honey
187. feeding the birds in the yard
188. watching in awe at how quickly they go through the birdseed
189. knowing that God provides for all of us
190. Reading Kingdom- helping my son connect the dots to help w/ his reading


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