Ephesians Study- Lesson Two Review

Ephesians: Discovering Your Identity and Purpose in Christ
Ephesians- Lesson Two
Sit and Pray
This week's study takes us on the journey of prayer.  I love the second and third line in the devotional of this week's study that states "Daily devotions are admirable but they do not guarantee victory in our trials. It is possible to pray several hours each morning and forget God the rest of the day."
She goes on with telling us how to live an attitude of prayer by including God in our inner conversations from our hearts throughout the entire day. Instead of taking a few minutes here and to stop what we are doing, she helps us understand the importance of all day prayer as we tackle our daily lives and tasks.
I know I struggle daily with putting God first and sharing my everything with Him. I end up just praying for others at the end of the day and during mealtimes and leaving him out of the rest of me. I fall victim of feeling like I should 'set aside' time with Him instead of having a heart conversation with Him throughout the day. Speaking to Him like I would a friend on the phone or someone over my home while I clean my house or do my daily chores.
My own flesh hinders me in having a deeper relationship with God. I keep finding other things to take up my time and leave God out of the equation.
This quote above is something that I need to remind myself of daily. I should pray not because I'm forced to, but because I need and desire to. To know there is something bigger and better than me and this world is absolutely awe striking.

This week's video is brief but packs wonderful information that will help us have a more intimate relationship with God. In Ephesians 1:19 it talks about Resurrection Power.
What is Resurrection Power?
Resurrection power is the power to overcome the greatest trials and tribulations you will ever come across.
Paul tells the Ephesians, he has been praying they would be aware of the immeasurable greatness the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is at their disposal. This kind of power is not just for those in Bible times but for us today as well. We must be aware of the power of God today in our own lives, allowing Him to release His fantastic resurrection power in us now.
Sue mentions in the video for Lesson Two that- Four times within the scripture it states greek terms that describe this kind of power
This kind of power is available to us. Power to overcome our past baggage, to love those that don't love in return, to overcome fear and difficult stuff that's happening in our lives. We need to know God through personal connection/experience.
To talk, love and listen to God.

Ephesians 3: 20-21 are called a doxology or a benediction. Have you heard these verses before, maybe at the end of a church service? What do they mean?
I would love to hear what you got out of this week's Lesson. Please leave a comment below.
Check back next Saturday for my thoughts on next week's lesson three-"Sit Down to Work"
You can follow along the discussions at the Facebook Page- The Discover Together Series- HERE..
I've received a free copy of this bible study in exchange for a weekly post reviewing my own thoughts on the subject matter. No other compensation was given


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