Unplugging Take 2- A New Perspective

For the entire month of March my family has taken an unplugged challenge or you can call it an unplugged fast. 

My Fasting Challenges were:

Social media, which included Pinterest, Facebook, Google +, and Twitter
Surfing the internet and frivolous time spent reading articles
 TV shows and movies

My children:

Video games
Computer Time unless school related

This has been a very eye opening experience for me. What I thought I'd get out of it was much more than anticipated. I figured a little break from media would be healthy and give me a better perspective on how much I was consuming of it daily. When returning to it, I'd choose to moderate it and use it more of a tool. I did get that of course, but I got much more.

I now see the things I craved before as a hindrance. Alongside my monthly unplugged challenge has been my new time devotion to reading the Bible in 90 Days. With the two of them side by side in my life and mind, I now can't go back to my previous way of viewing my life.

God is so amazing. He takes each opportunity we have in our lives to show us the way to walk in obedience and helps us in shaping our lives in His image. I allowed unclean things into my life. I'm not talking X rated but I am talking about TV shows that would of been a huge embarrassment for my great grandmother to watch. I realized that if I can't picture Jesus sitting alongside me to watch this or that, then I shouldn't be watching it at all.

I've come to accept some things on TV as being O.K. because I kept telling myself that it's wrong and I know the difference and it will be alright because I could associate it as being wrong and it won't affect me. No.. it's not alright. God has instructed us to stay away from evil and of this world. I have not done that. This month has woken me up to this reality and I'm changed and can't go back. I can't sit in denial anymore and accept the ways of the world when I now can see clearly that I'm not walking in the Word of the Lord.

Romans 12:2 says, "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." New Living Translation

We are to seek God, know His word and follow Him, not man. I stand today, to be obedient to God's Word. To not copy the customs of this world. To seek out wisdom from the Lord and align my life with the life He has planned for me.

Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." New International Version

I take comfort in hearing this passage and to clearly prosper, I must hear God so I will know that the plans I'm seeking are His plans. 

Now after 33 days of being unplugged (I personally started the challenge on Feb 27) I've come to a decision to let go of some influences that have stolen my time, and isn't in line with God's plan for me. I know this decision may not settle well with some, but I need to follow God and seek His wisdom as I move forward in my journey here on Earth.

I'm letting go of  my TV shows I've been watching for quite some time. I've come to realize how unclean they've become. They lack morals and values and portray life as one big party, with multiple partners and where sin is a given and acceptable. I've allowed my eyes to be deceived and my mind to be deceived and it's time to take this opportunity God has so graciously given me to see from new eyes the negative impacts these shows have had on me. 

Along with TV shows, I've decided to let go of Facebook as well. It's not that it's been a negative thing in my life. I have family and friends on there that have been true blessings to me. It's the fact that it's stealing away my time. Precious time away from my family and real, one on one relationships. I've just come to the conclusion that relationships need to be real. Phone calls, letters, emails, but what Charlotte Mason would call "Twaddle" is happening each and everyday on Facebook.

What's twaddle? A great definition I found online states "Twaddle is to life as a Hostess Twinkie is to eating. Maybe tasty but nothing of substance and often leaves you feeling that you’ve totally wasted your time– or in the case of the Twinkie –precious calories and nutrients."

I've just come to realize that Facebook has become just random no sense babbling. (This has also been true from the beginning with Twitter which I will be removing as well.) No real relationships. We are sharing superficial things, in some cases, over sharing our lives, and not building the one thing God designed us to have and that's RELATIONSHIPS. 

As I grow older I've just come to the time in my life that I value substance over all. I desire relationships, connection, and closeness. I just can't get that on Facebook, and Twitter. I'm excited to see where God takes me on my journey as He molds me and prepares me for my future. Being in the Word daily, learning everything about God has been a tremendous blessing to me and I'm overwhelmed by the love of the Lord each day now that I'm immersed in His Word. I look forward to sharing more of my journey through blogging so that I may bless those who read it and share the love of the Lord with you. May the Lord bless each and everyone that has read this and my blog.. God is faithful, devoted and forgiving..


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