Victus Study Skills System Review

Victus Study Skills Review

My family has had the opportunity to receive Victus Study Skills System through the Schoolhouse Crew.

We were given the Teacher Edition and the Student Workbook to use with my teenage son. 

I was really happy to hear about this curriculum and to implement it with my 15 year old. He is struggling with studying and doing well in school and I couldn't wait to see the techniques this curriculum had to offer so I could share them with my son.

Victus Study Skills Review

 Victus Study Skills System is designed to help your child learn new study habits. This is not a system that will show you how to ace the next test but to build new ways of seeing how you learn and to use those learning styles to help you succeed in school and life.

This study system consists of four important concepts.

1. Zeal without knowledge is no good, but zeal with knowledge bears fruit.
-No matter how hard the student puts forth effort, the results will be minimal without knowledge on how to perform the task properly.

2. Results come from the process
-In order to improve the results, we must improve the process. Many students approach study without any form of process. They may develop some sort of process in time but is it effective?

3. Any system with all of its components must have an aim, or purpose
-The aim of a student would be to succeed in academics and in life. This study facilitates this process.

4. An effective system of study has the greatest likelihood of aiding in success
- All above work together to accomplish the aim, an orderly, results-oriented lifelong study process learner.

This study skills program has three Foundational Cornerstones

Where Am I?
Where Do I Want to Be?
How Do I Get There?

By answering these three questions, you will develop a plan that leads you to a desired result.

The first section of the program is Where Am I?

This section includes Lessons 1 and 2. These lessons suggest procedures which help us understand the foundation of the course. The student will discover their learning style and begin to understand how to utilize this style to benefit their study habits. They will have an opportunity to work through a checklist of questions to better understand how they study now to help them find out their learning style. Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic. After learning their style, the study guide shares examples on how to improve their habits by using the applied learning style towards their studies. Once completing this section your student will have a better understanding of where they are in order to know what to do.

The second section of the program is Where Do I Want to Be?

This section includes Lesson 3. Each lesson includes a purpose, preparation and at least one procedure. Mission and goal setting is part of the next section of study. Utilizing four boxes, the student has the opportunity to look back five years, the present time, five years from now and ten years from now by drawing themselves in those time periods. The best way to help your child figure out where they want to be is to put them into a scenario where they can see themselves doing this or that. After working on this, they now have the space to write down their own mission statement.

The third section of the program is How Do I Get There?

This section includes Lessons 4-10. The remaining portion of the study as your child learns time management and organization. With samples for a weekly schedule and monthly schedule, this section also helps with organizing their study environment. Finding what kind of study environment is conducive to the best space will help your child succeed. Giving them a checklist for organization that they must use, must do, and must eliminate.

 For example..
They Must Use: An agenda book/planner
They Must Do: Write down all homework in your agenda book/planner before you leave the classroom
They Must Eliminate: Clutter

Your student will then move on to learning the PQRST system which I find extremely valuable and should be memorized. After going through this study guide with my son, this part was the meat of the program for me and will ask my son to utilize this section often to help him in his schoolwork.


Lessons 8-10 help with note taking, and test preparation/taking

Giving examples on how to take notes including a personal shorthand style to improve speed of taking notes. After learning this style, the book gives them an opportunity to write sample notes while you read a short story to them. My son did really well in taking notes and was able to replay all the important parts of the story through reading them.

In the back of the book is an Appendix with additional resources to use in the program. I didn't use these though when going through the curriculum with my son, but will be going over them to reinforce the lessons I taught him in the near future.

I was very pleased with study system and recommend it to all students that need a boost in finding their purpose outside taking tests and passing the class. My son didn't understand the reasons for going to school and because of that, he didn't see the point in applying himself in his work. After going through this program, he now sees that the present affects the future and the importance of using today to plan for the future.

This study system is designed to be broken down into five days of learning. With a total of 10 lessons, each course will take roughly an hour to complete with a total of 5 hours to complete this book. Giving some more time if necessary to implement the extras in the appendix.

Parental involvement is required with younger students. The books are most appropriate for 5th to 12th graders. I used this system with my 15 year old son who is in 9th grade.

You can purchase the Teacher Edition book for $40.00 and the Student Workbook for $20.00

Please check out their homeschool products to see what other wonderful resources they have that will enhance your use of their system.

If you are looking for more information about Victus Study Skills System,  you can check out other crew members reviews of this product in the banner below. Just click it and it will take you to a list of others that have had the opportunity to use this product in their homes.

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