Bible in 90 Days Begins Today!

Today is the day.... Day ONE of our 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge... I hope you are ready to join me on this journey for the next three months.

This is my third time reading the Bible in 90 Days and I'm so excited to share my experiences on my blog as well as through a local homeschool mom's group that I've gathered together here at my home starting next week.

I will be posting every Tuesday here on my blog with some friendly reminders of what to read in the coming week and also discuss the previous reading from the week before.

I hope to add some questions for you to interact with me if you are willing by leaving comments below or by joining me on my Facebook page HERE

So let's get started.. Below is the reading list for the entire 90 Days. You can copy and print or you can look each week on my posts which I will include the reading for the coming week..

This week's reading:

DAY 1- Tuesday September 1: Genesis 1:1- Genesis 16:16
DAY 2- Wednesday September 2: Genesis 17:1- Genesis 28:19
DAY 3- Thursday September 3: Genesis 28:20- Genesis 40:11
DAY 4- Friday September 4: Genesis 40:12- Genesis 50:26
DAY 5- Saturday September 5: Exodus 1:1- Exodus 15:18
DAY 6- Sunday September 6: Exodus 15:19- Exodus 28:43
DAY 7- Monday September 7: Exodus 29:1- Exodus 40:38

Some questions to think about and if you are willing can answer by commenting or joining on my Facebook page HERE

  1. Have you tried to read the entire Bible before? Why or why not?
  2. If you have tried to read the Bible in its entirety, what challenges did you face in fulfilling your desire? Where did you start? How far did you get?
  3. What have you found to be difficult and what have you found to be rewarding in your attempts to read the Bible regularly?
  4. What most excites you about the prospect of reading the entire Bible in 90 Days?
  5. What do you expect to discover in terms of practical living, spiritual growth or other areas?

Looking forward to reading alongside you and interacting with your through this journey.. Thanks for stopping by and I will post again next Tuesday.. See you then....


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