One Word-2013

January 1st brings a new year and a new direction for my life. For the past two years I've focused on ONE WORD that will help me each year. In 2011, my word was SIMPLIFY.. I took 2011 and used it to simplify my life. From outside commitments to organizing my home and schooling.
In 2012, my word was BALANCE. After a year of simplifying my life, I needed to take a year and balance everything out. From not committing where I didn't have time and to balance schooling, home life and family time..
So that brings me to 2013's word... RENEW!
What does this word mean to me this year?
  • Renew my walk with the Lord first and foremost. To use this year to give more time with my relationship with God and to bring Him into my daily life, by conversing and reading the Word.
  • Renew my fitness goals by getting back to the gym on a regular basis. I've slipped over the past three months with hunting season and just life in general so I want to make this a part of my regular life again.
  • Renew my healthy eating habits. Two years ago we started eating whole foods, and organic where possible. I've got a bit relaxed in this area and I want to get back to really eating better. We let a little processed food into our home over the past couple months. (it's all gone now) but I want to get back into the habit of making my food from scratch again.. All the time where I can.
  • Renew my marriage.. YEP.. I want to make a habit of having a date night with my beloved once a month as a minimum without kids. I already have January and February planned..
  • Renew my relationship with my children. I've allowed negativity and sarcasm into our home and I really need to work on letting that go. I would like to spend more time with my children individually so I can get to know them better on a personal level. As a homeschool Mom, I've noticed lately that I've let this part of our relationship slide because I'm around them 24/7 and think being AROUND them is enough and it's not.
  • Renew my love for photography. I've let this slip a bit. While on Pinterest this past year I've come across a lot of pins that talk about photography and how to better your pictures using software and technology. I've also come across a lot of people trying to sell their pictures or start a business with little or no skills in photography and it really puts a bad taste in my mouth seeing this. I know that's a little harsh, but I really work to do my best with my camera at the taking pictures stage and I don't rely at all on software to enhance my images other than cropping to get them printed.. I need to let go of that and just go back to taking pictures because it makes me happy.
  • Renew my attitude. There has been a lot of things lately that have affected me and I need to take all of this and place it at the feet of Jesus. I need to transform my way of thinking and realize that I can't control everything that goes on around me.
  • Renew my love of running. After my vigorous schedule I put on myself after my 10K run in May to run a half marathon, I felt that running was a chore and have really cut back. I would like to find that feeling I once had for running and to just run for fun!
  • Renew my desire to blog more and to be more real. I've felt like I needed in the past to censor my words so I wouldn't offend anybody that may come across my blog. I'd like to be more real on here with my feelings and to also blog more about my day to day life.
  • Renew my love for crafting. I've been making cards for sometime. I got a little discouraged over Christmas when the post office told me I had to pay 85 cents for each Christmas card because it couldn't be machined. I had to handstamp each of 124 envelopes NON MACHINABLE and then had to add all the postage to them all. They told me about the thickness issues and because I love to make my cards pop. I got a bit disapointed in how the post office is charging so much for a simple letter card.. I don't want that to stop me from continuing on making these cards that I love to do..
So that is some of the reasons why I chose RENEW as my word for 2013.. Do you have a ONE WORD for this year or in the past? Would love to hear from you.. Happy New Year!


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