7 Day Detox Tea-Day 1

I've gotten a little sloppy with my food lately, and with that I've gained 5lbs back. I'm not going to spend my life complaining about it. It's life, things like this happen. I just now want to get back to what I was doing before and lose this 5 lbs and then lose the last 5 lbs to meet my ultimate goal.. So I've decided to do a detox for the next 7 days to jumpstart my weightloss and hopefully eliminate some bloat.
I read on Pinterest the other day about a 7 day detox by Jillian Michaels. She swears by it. I'm not a big Jillian Michaels fan but it sounded easy enough so I decided to do it starting today.
What is it you ask? It's this below:

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7 Day Detox Tea Drink

1- Dandelion Root Tea Bag
1 TBS Lemon Juice
1 TBS of Cranberry Juice
100 oz of water

Steep the tea for at least 15 minutes in the water before removing it!

Drink this amount each day for 7 days. It doesn't say anything about changing your diet or exercising.

For me, I will be working out at the gym for at least four of these 7 days for at least one hour. Today I went and burned 550 calories doing a Shredmill Workout I also found on Pinterest.. It was awesome!

I plan to keep eating the way I normally do with organic (where I can), whole foods, non processed and won't be eating out at all during this 7 day detox. I look forward to see if anything comes off during this. It states up to 5 lbs so we will see..

All I know is that the bathroom and I are going to be really great friends when this is all said and done.. It is... 100 ounces of water.. wink wink....


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