One Thousand Gifts- 108-128

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3 Gifts Found Outside

108. The warm sun after negative temps last week
109. The sound of the snow melting in the 50 degree weather
110. Birds chirping like it's Spring

A Gift at 11:30am, 2:30pm, 6:30pm

111.The sound of our wonderful guinea pig calling for attention
112. My son's homemade grilled tuna sandwich
113. Laughter of my kids getting along in the living room

A Gift Broken, Fixed, Thrifted

114. Mountaineer has a leak in the radiator,knowing we have another vehicle while this is out of commission
115. A car that wouldn't start but hubby finds problem and it's running again
116. A pile of outgrown clothes showing us our children are growing up

3 Surprise Gifts

117. A phone call from a friend
118. A party planned in your honor
119. A letter in the mail

3 Times You've Heard Laughter Today

120. When my son was listening to a story on CD
121. At the gym when my husband made a joke while I was running
122. The kids at youth group gathered together having a good time

3 Gifts in Working

123. The satisfaction of having it completed
124. Knowing you are capable of finishing something you've started
125. Knowing your body is capable of work

3 Things That Have Happened Today That Brought Joy

126. Running at 7.0 mph on the treadmill
127. Finding the items I needed to make Valentine's weekend w/ my hubby special
128. Scoring most of my items at the Dollar Store to save $$
Return next Wednesday for my next installment of One Thousand Gifts....
You can join in on the 1000 Gifts Journey by visiting A Holy Experience HERE


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