14 Weeks to an Unprocessed Kitchen Starts 1/12

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2015 is all about changes. Working on fitness by adding strength training to my exercise routine and the best part.. getting back into the kitchen and eliminating processed food for good. The saying that I've heard floating around is that our efforts in the gym (exercise) = 30% and our efforts in the kitchen (eating) = 70%. So if we don't have our food choices under control then our time working out and exercising is in vain.

Instead of jumping back in 100% from the start, I'll be implementing ways to get our family back to the unprocessed lifestyle one week at at time for the next 14 weeks starting Monday January 12th.

Each week I'll introduce an area that we will need to work on or eliminate to help us get our health on track by getting our kitchen's set up for success.

I'd love for you to join me the next three months as we take charge of our health by eating right and getting rid of processed food for good.

 One area at a time.. We can do it! 

Are you in??


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